Board of Directors

In terms of its Memorandum of Incorporation MHA is required to have a Board of Directors.

MHA has six Directors, one of whom is elected Chairperson at the Annual General Meeting, and each Director contributes one or more specific strength or talent, on a voluntary basis, in order to assist in ensuring that MHA:

  • Provides accommodation units which the residents can be proud to occupy
  • Ensures world-class services and care, especially insofar as Frail Care residents are concerned
  • Is professionally managed and properly staffed across all disciplines
  • Subscribes to good governance and best practice in all that it does
  • Is administratively competent via the application of modern business practices and tools
  • Is legally compliant at all times with laws and regulations pertaining to its business
  • Is financially strong, via performance against set budgets and prudent cash management
  • Maintains an acceptable level of cash reserves, which are professionally invested
  • Employs and retains competent people, and remunerates them competitively
  • Empowers and trains its employees, for them to be the best they can be in their chosen field
  • Is strategically focused on the future, to dictate rather than follow changes in care for the aged

The current Board comprises:

  • Michael Burmeister (Chairman)
  • Malcolm Stewart
  • Prince Matonsi
  • Thuthuka Songelwa
  • Lynda Pascoe
  • Peter Bowes
  • Bishop George Irvine (Founder President)


Any Board changes would be reflected on our website, as and when they occur.