Alleviation Fund

The MHA Board and the CEO believe absolutely that we have a moral obligation to alleviate the financial suffering being experienced by some residents, even though there is no contractual obligation or reason to do so. It is something that MHA needs to do, and something we must do, and for as long as we can do it.

We also believe that many residents and their loved ones, knowing that there are many within the MHA Family who face a bleak financial future late in their lives, may want to participate in this initiative by way of a bequest through a Will, or a donation.

The Alleviation Fund, officially launched in August 2024, is a dedicated MHA fund in which to house any monetary contribution received from bequests or donations. In this regard the following are critically important:

ü  The safety, security, wellbeing and peace of mind of our residents has always been our key focus

ü  To the best of our ability, we must continue to support those residents who now face financial hardship and destitution, particularly those in our Frail Care homes. To be blunt, though, MHA cannot afford to continue with its generous approach indefinitely; we need to create partnerships

ü  MHA has a duty to establish that cases of desperation and destitution are indeed exactly that, and that no other financial income or assistance is available to a resident from any other source

ü  Confidentiality around who gives and who receives is critical and non-negotiable in everything associated with the conduct of the Alleviation Fund

ü  Critical too is the need for regular communication with existing and potential bequeathers and donors.